REVIEW: The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros

The House on Mango StreetThe House on Mango Street
By Sandra Cisneros
Completed April 11, 2011

Little books can pack a big punch, and that’s certainly the case for pint-sized The House on Mango Street. Easily read in one sitting, this book is a coming-of-age tale about a young girl growing up in a poor Latino neighborhood in Chicago. Esperanza Cordero, whose first name translates to “hope,” is the narrator of this book, and through her eyes, you see the joy and sadness of living on Mango Street.

Esperanza at a young age sees more than most adults see in their lifetimes. What is endearing about her narrative is the sense of hope she feels about leaving her childhood behind – to move away from Mango Street and do “something” with her life. In the end, though, she realizes that her experiences are part of her, and she’ll never, completely, leave it behind. It’s how you learn and grow from these circumstances that shape you as a person.

How I missed this book before is a mystery, but I am glad I stumbled upon it. It’s a great book for all ages, especially young adults, who may find Esperanza’s journey inspirational and relevant to their lives. (  )

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